What is a Decision PathFork?

Simply put, it’s an opportunity to create content for a specific population within a section. International Students are good examples. Much of the content might be the same for Financial Aid, but the actual process might be different for them. You can even put a Decision PathFork within a fork. Or, fork-specific section quiz questions. As you start to put together your content, it will become clear where you might need a Decision PathFork.

How do you apply this?

Create a Decision PathFork at the end of the Financial Aid section. Everyone will see all the pages that are general information, then in your Financial Aid Decision PathFork you will create a fork for the International Students with their deadlines and other information specific to them and then a fork for the US students with their specific information. Once they have completed their fork, they all meet back at the next section.

Tips to remember…

  • A Decision PathFork must come at the end of a section. You cannot put it in the middle or beginning of a section.
  • Once they go through their fork, they will all meet at the next section.
  • There must be at least one page in your main section before a Decision PathFork.
  • You must have a minimum of two Decision PathForks options, but there is no maximum.
  • Each fork must have at least one page in it, but can have as many as you want. They don’t need to be the same for each fork.
  • You can have Decision PathForks within a fork, within a fork…
  • Decision PathForks can be created from a field on your intake screen so the user does not have to make the choice of which fork to choose.
  • Decision PathFork section quiz and final test questions that are path specific can be created and will not be seen by the users who do not go down that path.
  • Reports can be generated to see what Decision PathForks are being used.