Did you know that when you are viewing a report in the Management Console, you can put the users name or ID number in the search box and it will search that report and go to that record. This tool is very handy if you are looking for a user who has not completed the orientation/training and want to see what progress they have made or even look at how they answered the quiz questions. Below is a screen shot showing where to put in the name or ID.


You can use first name, last name or ID.


  • If it’s a common first name, you may want to use the last name or ID if your report is large.  If you do use the name and there are multiple users with the same one, the software will go to the first record with that name. If that is not the user you want, click on Next and it will keep going till it finds the user.
  • If the user has never been in the orientation/training or used a different name, you will get a screen message of “File not found”. You will need to contact the user to find out if they had entered the orientation/training, and if they had, what name or ID they used.
  • If you find that the user had entered in their name or ID incorrectly, please contact your Customer Care Representative to have it fixed. Or you can reach out to us at support@comevo.com.