Baker College was looking for a partner to help create an innovative and engaging orientation experience, and Comevo provided all of the assistance and support we needed. Comevo was extremely helpful in all aspects of the development of this project. Their strong organizational skills and project mapping support allowed us to meet some very ambitious timelines. They did a great deal of research to understand who we are, and as a result, the scripts they developed were spot-on and required almost no editing. The film crew was professional, but made the entire experience much more fun than any of us anticipated.

The best part of course – is the finished product. Making updates is extremely easy, and running reports is very intuitive, which makes managing the orientation software very satisfying. Baker College was extremely well-served by Comevo and would recommend them to any institution looking for this type of platform. 

 Perhaps the best review came from one of our student interns who reviewed the orientation experience and stated, “I wish they had this available when I first started!”