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Our white papers cover relevant industry topics and give you insight into best practices. Our goal in publishing these educational resources is to help guide you through complex industry trends and provide an avenue for you to learn more.


White Papers


Best Practices for Online Orientation

Orientation is the first stepping-stone in a student’s educational experience. The depth and breadth of a school’s orientation—the quality of the orientation experience—directly impact each student’s chances for success in college and beyond. The California Student Success Task Force notes that, “Extensive research has documented the importance of assessment, orientation, and informed education planning to set incoming students on a pathway to a successful outcome.”

The Orientation Transition Process

The Orientation Transition Process white paper discusses the challenges colleges and universities face with students trying to make the First Year transition and how to get them to utilize all the resources available to them to make the first year success.

Best Practices: Video in Online Orientation

Online orientation can be more effective if it integrates a diversity of resources, including audio, graphics, photos and video. This white paper shares some fundamental recommendations for incorporating video into your campus’s online orientation program.